Your Health. Your Responsibility.

Everyone has an opinion and is right based on their experiences and the information that they have.

That does not mean that it is right for YOU.

Only you can decide what works for you or what risks you are willing to take.   Some people in the gluten free space,  mostly celiac patients, take extreme stances and do not eat a single thing that is processed or ever eat out.  While others take any random server’s word for it and continue to eat at the same restaurants even after having issues multiple times.  I encourage everyone to make their own decisions based on the best information and their current situation.  I also encourage others to not judge them for their decisions including not making judge mental remarks like - if you are celiac you just can’t eat out - when someone posts on recommendations for restaurants.  That kind of attitude and commentary makes going gluten free seem completely impossible.


That being said, let’s be real here for a minute.  In the US we are all about the quick fix, take this pill or the easy diet.  If you have high blood pressure it is your responsibility to take make the lifestyle changes you can, take the medications your prescriber gives you as directed, and have an open dialogue with them about what is and is not working for you so that appropriate adjustments can be made.  When you have a food sensitivities you have a lot more responsibilities in this situation as everything that goes into your mouth is part of your “treatment” plan.  If gluten causes you issues, it is your responsibility to understand and decide what risks YOU are willing to take.  If you want to eat out you are putting your self at risk for cross contamination at a minimum, unless you are at a 100% gluten free location which are few and far between.  Be smart about where you decide to eat.  Do your research up front.  Try to avoid being pressured into situations.  Have a back up plan (i.e. there are always nuts and beef jerky in my bag) And for the love of all things, the 15 year old behind the fast food counter does not have all the answers. Be real about what you can and cannot expect the person providing information.

Is eating out at a restaurant necessary?

Do I have other options? (Eating before you go to a social or work event and just grabbing a beverage is pretty simple)

What is the safest thing on the menu for me to eat?

If there isn’t anything safe, or that you feel your situation is being handled appropriately, are you ok to just have a drink and grab something later that is safe?

Have your talking points figure out in your voice for when someone tries to push food on you.  Try not to make it something makes it a sob story, give the JAMA definition or be an asshole about it.  I tend to fall into the JAMA category :)

Want to find a better balance with your Celiac lifestyle? Contact me at to learn how we can work together!


LearningJamie Smith