Peppers Have Gluten?

Someone asked in a support group today if there was anyone else that had issues eating peppers and if there was something else they should be looking at.

I was stunned by all the responses.


 Everyone started listing everything they had an issue with ever. 

Everyone went on about doing food eliminations and AIP (autoimmune protocol diet) or FODMAP.  For a simple question that made me think they were somehow concerned that peppers somehow had cross sensitive with gluten.  (They do not, unless of course you stuff them with breadcrumbs, yum.)  They are actually a really great option for a healthy quick snack that doesn’t mush in your bag, or get really nasty if it’s room temperature for awhile. 

Here was the response I was going to post but didn’t, because I didn’t want to deal with the dialog I KNOW would come from it.  That’s why I am here.  That’s why I am cultivating THIS space...

I have always felt like that with peppers too :) they always give me indigestion.  Fine with all other nightshades too, just not peppers.  I think it’s just normal that different foods react differently with everyone’s own body chemistry.  We kind of forget that sometimes as celiac - it’s not just us, anyone can have just normal issues with certain foods (and yes we can be more sensitive due to intestinal damage while healing) If you know they cause issues, just don’t eat them. 

The elimination diets and all are great, and I highly recommend it if you continue to have issues and inflammation, but honestly it’s a lot to do if you already know your body doesn’t respond well.  I have to remind myself of that every time I indulge in some deep fried GF food that, “yeah I’m not used to this anymore, and it’s gonna cause issues.” It does NOT necessarily mean I was contaminated. It can JUST mean that my body doesn’t handle greasy food anymore.

Want to find a better balance with your Celiac lifestyle? Contact me at to learn how we can work together!


LearningJamie Smith